Medico-legal opinion

Medico-legal opinion

Medico-legal opinion is offered through The Birmingham Colorectal Clinic by Mr McArthur. Please contact us for further details, including fees.

Mr McArthur has been motivated to undertake medico-legal work following experience of instruction by his NHS Trust to undertake root cause analysis and Serious Untoward Incident analysis within the Department of General Surgery & Gastroenterology. This has given him the ability to review and analyse complex cases and offer clear and expert opinion that cuts to ‘the heart of the matter’. This involvement has led to positive change within the hospital systems that have translated into direct benefit for patients. These insights into the processes of care equip him to provide an excellent opinion in clinical negligence cases.

With an extensive background in emergency surgery, general surgery and colorectal surgery and more than 30 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters to his credit, Mr McArthur has undergone specific training in medico-legal report writing and the duties of an expert witness. Mr McArthur will confine his medico-legal work to his direct field of expertise, but has an excellent network of colleagues who will provide expert opinion appropriate to the clinical setting. All reports are tailored to suit specific requirements; Mr McArthur fully understands his duty to the Court and will always deliver within the timeframe imposed.



Clinical negligence

  • Emergency general surgery
  • Colorectal surgery [open and laparoscopic]
  • Colonoscopy, polypectomy

Personal injury

  • Assault
  • Multiple injuries


For all enquiries call us on 0121 364 1600 (Option 2)
or email us [email protected]