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The Birmingham Colorectal Clinic

The Birmingham Colorectal Clinic, established by Mr David McArthur is here to provide the best quality surgical care, personalised to your needs. Offering general surgery and colorectal expertise, you can rest assured that your assessment and treatment will be carried out by a leading specialist.

Mr David McArthur

MBChB; MD; FRCSEd (GenSurg)

Mr David McArthur is an experienced Consultant Colorectal, General and Laparoscopic Surgeon based in Birmingham.

Mr McArthur has a specialist interest in minimally-invasive techniques for the management of colorectal and general surgical conditions, including laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) to treat hernias and all colorectal conditions (cancer and inflammatory bowel disease), and novel techniques to treat haemorrhoids (Rafaelo, Exroid, THD). In addition, Mr McArthur offers treatment for a full range of benign anorectal conditions, including piles, anal fissure, anal fistula and pilonidal sinus, and is a fully trained, JAG-accredited colonoscopist, offering both diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy.Mr McArthur is a national expert in the surgical management of patients with advanced and recurrent rectal cancer, receiving tertiary referrals from the U.K. and internationally. Mr McArthur qualified from the University of Birmingham with Honours in Surgery. He was awarded an MD by the University of Warwick for his research into the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer, and later completed a fellowship in laparoscopic colorectal surgery at Leeds, where he developed a specialist interest in the management of patients with advanced and recurrent rectal cancer. In 2011, Mr McArthur was appointed Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, and in 2018 continued in this role at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust. At the Trust he has played a key role in furthering the provision of laparoscopic colorectal surgery and setting up a service for patients with locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer through the Midlands Advanced and Recurrent Rectal Cancer Unit (MARRCU).

Throughout his career Mr McArthur has maintained a key interest in teaching, first as a lecturer in anatomy at the University of Birmingham, and more recently as course director for the Royal College of Surgeons' "Strategies in Emergency General Surgery", and the ACPGBI "M42 Coloproctology for Junior Surgical Trainee" courses. He has published widely on a variety of colorectal and general surgical conditions, and has presented at numerous international and national meetings. He has sat on the Council of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland from 2016-2019.

Mr McArthur established The Birmingham Colorectal Clinic to offer high-quality private healthcare to patients with colorectal and general surgical conditions. The aim is to provide an environment in which patients feel comfortable to talk about their symptoms to an expert. Mr McArthur offers a wide range of both minimally invasive and surgical treatment options, so patients can have their treatment tailored to their specific requirements.


General Medical Council Number: 4502757

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For all enquiries call us on 0121 364 1600 (Option 2)
or email us [email protected]